5 weeks 3 days

5 weeks 3 days
5 weeks 3 days pregnant

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

9 Weeks 4 days!

Two pictures this week! Mom and fetus :) The midwife said everything looks good and baby is basically on schedule with growth measuring at 9 weeks, uterus at 9 weeks 2 days. We got to see baby's little heartbeat and squirming quite a bit, it was hard to get a good shot! Head is on the left, and I think the face is captured? Haha not exactly sure. There might be a little foot poking out at the top right corner too. Hieu and I are very relieved to know that baby is doing well and we will be ready to tell our family and friends soon, probably in two weeks. We are scheduled to listen to the heartbeat by doppler in two weeks so that we feel good about breaking the news to everyone on Thanksgiving.
Besides the excitement of our appointment today, nothing else is really new. Same symptoms, they are getting very old at this point. More urgency/frequency to urinate than before, but still nausea, tired but having trouble sleeping due to waking up for bathroom/nausea and just sleeping lighter than normal, some weird dreams, a little cranky sometimes, and it's still hard to find food to eat that doesn't sound bad. I am very aware of smells, especially the smell of my house, people's breath, car exhaust, smoke, food that is unappealing... etc. This little baby is beginning to turn my life upside down... :)

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