My boyfriend Hieu and I found out we are pregnant one week ago. Today we are 5 weeks 3 days, you can see my belly picture above! 128 pounds, 5'1. This is our first baby. We are excited, but also nervous and not knowing exactly what the responses of our families and friends will be. We have decided not to break the news until we are about 12 weeks pregnant, just to make sure everything is still going well. So far my symptoms are mild. I am tired a lot, have mild/infrequent lower abdominal crampiness, heightened sense of smell, and some dizziness.
I had my first appointment with a midwife last Wednesday, in which everything was looking good! My next appointment is in one month and we will be able to see more significant changes by then. Hieu was not able to come to the first appointment because he was still in Vietnam visiting family. He is coming home in a couple days though (yay!) so he will be here for the next appt.
These posts are mostly for us to document our experiences, but for those who are interested in following our pregnancy, welcome and feel free to leave positive comments. :)