5 weeks 3 days

5 weeks 3 days
5 weeks 3 days pregnant

Thursday, February 7, 2013

22 weeks :)

22 weeks, wow time flies! More belly photos taken on 2/5/13 - don't be confused because I'm wearing the same pajamas as last week lol. I am about 138/139 pounds now... woo hit the ten pound mark. It is getting more difficult to move around and I have had an especially difficult time sleeping this week due to upper back pain (not sure why upper back and only when I'm laying on my side?). Our appt with the Midwife is coming up on the 11th... she will probably discuss the ultrasound results and not sure what else. Little Ariel has been quite happy this week enjoying delicious food and having martial arts training while inside my tummy. Her kicks and punches are much stronger now and can see them if watching my stomach. She is probably about a pound now and maybe 11 inches head to toe... hard to imagine her curled up in there. Nothing else really new this week... just feeling obese and hoping most of it is from baby... :P