5 weeks 3 days

5 weeks 3 days
5 weeks 3 days pregnant

Sunday, December 30, 2012

16 weeks 2 days

16 weeks! No new symptoms, everything about the same as the last few weeks. A lot of bloating and reflux making it difficult to sleep at night. But at least my appetite is back. I am still very picky about what foods to eat, but have been trying to eat more protein from non-animal sources. Also, a tiny amount of colostrum leakage was noted this week... eeek! I can't believe so soon...Weighing in at 131+ pounds this week, although the bloating makes it seem as though I've gained at least 10 pounds haha. Ready to welcome the new year at 17 weeks and hopefully feel baby move soon. So far I like the names Ariel and Benjamin, but will know the sex in a few weeks so will start thinking of more then. Happy holidays!