5 weeks 3 days

5 weeks 3 days
5 weeks 3 days pregnant

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

6 weeks 4 days!

Today we are 6 weeks 4 days pregnant! I am finally getting over the cold I've had for the last 5 days that kept me in bed all weekend. New symptoms include being very nauseous all day long (started at 6 weeks), some food aversion and occasional cravings (cheese, steak), bloating, excess saliva, and of course I am still very tired. Thankfully Hieu is back in the US to comfort me :). The scale is beginning to look like I am 129 lbs now, and my belly is not showing anything but bloating. Our little one should be approaching the size of a blueberry soon! I hope to be able to see him/her at our next appointment in 3 weeks.