5 weeks 3 days

5 weeks 3 days
5 weeks 3 days pregnant

Monday, November 26, 2012

12 weeks 3 days

Here is my picture for 12 weeks 3 days! Besides being extremely bloated all the time, I think there is a tiny bump beginning to form in my lower abdomen. Thanksgiving went well. My family was shocked, but also excited. My friend Vy came to dinner at my dad's house so she also got to hear the good news. I told everyone by handing out the gifts I bought them from Vietnam, and then gave my mom an extra gift that was a bracelet that said "Grandma" on it. I told her to read what the charm says out loud and she was in shock and couldn't do it, so my older sister took it and read it and was also in shock. Finally, my brother took it and read it out loud so everyone else knew what was going on. My dad was also very shocked and in disbelief. He was about to go to work a few minutes later so did not have much time to absorb the news before he left. At first there were a lot of questions and then they finally started to say congratulations and become excited for the news. My grandpa is going to be a great grandpa for the first time, so he was also very excited and commented that it was about time! By the end of the weekend everyone was used to the idea of a new baby and started thinking of baby names and looking through baby stuff online. I am hoping that my mom will consider moving closer to me now that she is going to have a grandchild here and I will need her support. My younger sister just moved in with me while she is job searching and will be living close by, so I will at least have her support throughout the pregnancy and when the baby arrives in 6 months... My brother also lives really close to me and wants to help too, as well as Hieu's family. Hieu was not able to come to Thanksgiving since he has a new on-call job, but I will get to see him tomorrow and let him know how the weekend went. I have another regular prenatal appointment with the Midwife in a week, so I will be sure to keep the updates coming! Also, we will be able to find out the baby's sex at the 20-week ultrasound, although I am still undecided if I actually want to find out myself prior to the birth. My housemates made guesses at whether they think it is a boy or girl, and so far it is two for each, but one hasn't voted yet. I am going to think of some kind of reward if they guess correctly... :)

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