5 weeks 3 days

5 weeks 3 days
5 weeks 3 days pregnant

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

14 weeks

Here is my belly pic! Symptoms are the same as last week. Bloated, indigestion, nausea but mildly improved from last month, increased appetite although still have food aversion issues, breast growth (now up a cup size), lower back pain, sneezing more than usual, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and still wake up to pee a couple times at night. I am also becoming very brain fogged as I keep forgetting things and have difficulty concentrating and staying organized. I visited with Hieu's family this week and they seem to be well-adjusted to the idea of having a new baby around soon. I also got to visit my older sister, her boyfriend, and roommate, and of course the kitties! I am excited for Christmas coming up soon and will prob go to visit my dad and grandpa and siblings again. I love the holiday season and hope that my nausea continues to decrease so that I can enjoy it more! I will probably begin shopping for maternity clothes after Christmas, although I have only gained a pound in the last week (130 lbs now). The bloating makes the bump appear bigger and clothes not fit comfortably. Anyway, happy holidays!

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