5 weeks 3 days

5 weeks 3 days
5 weeks 3 days pregnant

Saturday, March 16, 2013

27 weeks!

Not the most attractive pics... lol. 27 weeks now, 145 lbs (Ariel is 2 lbs!). Just under 3 months left, finally in the 3rd trimester! I still can't believe that people I told last weekend could not tell I was pregnant... uggh disturbing that I just look obese to everyone :(. Hopefully soon there won't be any question, "Is she pregnant, or just fat?" Same symptoms as usual. Small improvement with sleep, but still wake up several times at night and back pain in upper-middle of my back. It feels like my ribs are very tight, like the muscle is being pulled and squished when I lay on my sides, even throughout the day now. Ariel seems to have found a spot in my lower pelvis that she enjoys kicking that sends sharp pains through my bladder. Also have been noticing occasional tightening of my uterus, which is supposed to be normal as long as it is not cyclic. Baby shower is coming up in a couple weeks! I already received 2 gifts, from one of my aunts and my uncle, since they will not be able to make it for the shower. Hopefully they will be able to visit this summer after she is born! I had my midwife appt this week, we are both measuring appropriately, blood pressure is good, and paperwork is filled out for the birthing center. I also got my blood drawn to test my glucose tolerance, to screen for gestational diabetes. I should have the results soon...

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