5 weeks 3 days

5 weeks 3 days
5 weeks 3 days pregnant

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

38 weeks!!

38 weeks - Ariel is preparing her descent! She is still pretty high in my pelvis according to the midwife (today), not engaged yet. My cervix is a little softer but no other changes yet - good news! I should be able to get through finals... We discussed postpartum care at midwife appt and will be doing newborn care tonight at childbirth class. I will need to rest mostly in bed the first week after she is born - needing others to take care of me ;) doing laundry/cooking/cleaning etc. First 3 weeks will be similar but adding small activity as able. 6 weeks is the postpartum period to heal, so may take that long to be able to care for myself completely and be routinely active. Baby blues in the first 3-6 wks is very common (80% of moms?). Postpartum mood disorders are fairly common (1/8 of moms will develop depression) and need to look out for them, especially day 3 when milk comes in & anytime in the next 6 months after delivery! Peak onset is 3 months for depression, anxiety, etc. The best thing to help/prevent is having a lot of emotional & practical support to care for self and baby from not only partner, but also friends & family.
Anyway... 157 pounds this week (yes basically reaching 30 lb gain now). Ariel continues to kick and move about at various times throughout the day. Uterus is measuring 38 cm - perfect. Her head is remaining down & she is basically facing the right way but rotates around still. New stretch marks on upper belly now, on both sides but right side is more prominent once again (she likes her back/butt on the right I think is why).
2 weeks left :)

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