5 weeks 3 days

5 weeks 3 days
5 weeks 3 days pregnant

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

40 weeks! Due today :)

Due date today! About 160-161 pounds now... She's still growing despite lack of room! As you can probably see better in these pics, the stretch marks surround my belly button on the front face of my belly. Weird that she grew straight out and not much to the sides (where there is more room).
No definite labor signs yet... I may have passed a tiny amount of mucus plug on Sunday and have mild occasional period-like crampiness, some softer stools. So it seems like the the time is getting nearer, but still unsure if it will even be this week! Big sis is here to help me, yay! Me, big & lil sis & a sister from the church took a long walk yesterday and had a good time, but today I am very tired and sore! So will be trying to relax the next few days until Ariel comes. If she is not here by Thursday, we will have an appt with the Midwife and see if there are any cervical changes and make a plan for what we will do if it is likely she will not come until after 42 weeks. Our doula came over on Sunday and talked with Hieu and I about any concerns and checked the bags we have packed - everything is ready! ....Stay tuned for baby pics soon!

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