5 weeks 3 days

5 weeks 3 days
5 weeks 3 days pregnant

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wk 17 and 18!

 18 WEEKS 1 day

17 WEEKS 2 days

The last couple weeks there haven't been many changes. Still a lot of gas - burping frequently and especially after meals. Lower and upper back pain continue and make it difficult to sleep, plus heartburn all day/night. Belly is definitely growing and baby is 5.5 inches now from head to but. We have midwife appt in a few days and the ultrasound on 22nd and will hopefully find out if baby is girl or boy! Check back next week for update!
Middle of week 18 I started to feel tiny flicks (baby kicking/punching) in central lower abdomen just above the pubic bone, finally signs of life!

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